Fatigue in Aviation – Problems and Solutions

Technical Sharing Session #1

TitleFatigue in Aviation – Problems and Solutions
PresenterA/Professor Joshua J Gooley
Date8 October 2021, Friday
SypnosisFatigue is common problem for flight crew and cabin crew. Fatigue management is important for safety and employee wellness. Here, I will review factors in commercial aviation that give rise to fatigue. I will review methods for measuring fatigue and how biomathematical models (BMMs) can be used to improve fatigue management. Specific examples from my prior work will be used to illustrate key concepts in fatigue research and capabilities of my research team. I will highlight problems with current BMMs and the need for next-generation personalized fatigue prediction models (the focus of WP3). I will also draw links between WP3 and the other WPs to identify areas of synergy and potential collaboration.