Our Facilities

VITAL Research Facility

Virtual Interactive Training for Aircrew Learning

VITAL Research Facility (Virtual Interactive Training for Aircrew Learning (VITAL) System)

The VITAL Research Facility allows researchers to deploy technology for pilot competency development. Such technologies will augment the usual Flight Simulator Training devices (FSTD) used in the aviation industry for regulatory and recurrent training.

Application of procedures, communications, problem solving, decision making, workload management, situational awareness, as well as leadership and teamwork are some of the pilot competencies that will be targeted during the training. This facility allows researchers to understand how pilots respond and interact to the cockpit indications in an AR or VR environment, supporting the development of future systems and solutions.

Cabin Simulator

Real Environment Cabin Simulator

The Real Environment Cabin Simulator is a pseudo-cabin environment that serves as a relevant baseline model to conduct research on customers’ sleep, comfort, and wellness on board a flight. With an on-ground simulator, the team is able to freely deploy laboratory equipment during the research and development phase. This facility allows the team to conduct testing that would not be possible during an actual commercial flight.

The cabin simulator will serve as a testbed for quick validation, prototyping and iteration of proposed solutions, and will be used extensively for all projects.

* If you are interested to find out more, please contact the Corp Lab Administration Team at siacorplab@nus.edu.sg