Xiao Xiao

PhD Student, WP4
I am an Electrical and Computer Engineering Ph.D. with a materials science and bioengineering background. As part of my Ph.D., I worked on body sensor networks based on electronic textiles and flexible sensors. Under Prof. John Ho, my research focuses on developing wearable bioelectronics distributed throughout the human body that can interact synergistically to foster an intelligent wearable point-of-care system, providing disease prevention and diagnosis, and curative impact feedback in a sustainable closed-loop manner. I believe that wearable point-of-care devices will redefine the paradigm of the healthcare system by promoting the welfare of society as a whole. Outside of work, I enjoy exploring different places, playing badminton, and swimming. I am also happy to accept peer review invitations from journals and conferences. Regarding my research and review, please email me at xiao.xiao@u.nus.edu