Jussi Keppo

Principal Investigator
Professor and Dean’s Chair, Department of Analytics and Operations
Professor Keppo teaches risk management and analytics courses, and directs analytics executive education programs at NUS Business School. He is also Research Director of the Institute of Operations Research and Analytics at NUS. Previously, he taught at the University of Michigan. He has several publications in the top-tier journals such as Journal of Economic Theory, Review of Economic Studies, Management Science, Operations Research, and Journal of Business on topics such as investment analysis, banking regulation, learning, and strategic incentives. His research has been featured also in numerous business and popular publications, including the Wall Street Journal and Fortune. Professor Keppo’s research has been supported by several Asian, European, and US agencies such as the National Science Foundation. He serves on the editorial boards of Management Science, Mathematics of Operations Research, and Journal of Risk. He has consulted several startups, Fortune 100 companies, and financial institutions.